Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Embarrassment: The Lock on Our Lives

"That proves you're growing up. - No imagination." I felt slightly insulted and mostly like laughing when I heard this remark (copyrights of "The Sugar Creek Gang" by Paul Hutchens.) :D It's so true, I thought. Haven't you noticed it? When I  was a few years younger, whole afternoons, mornings, and even a few hours of the evening were spent acting the part of a pioneer family, or an Indian warrior (ess). Believe me these were played very well, props such as a house built out of stones and concrete blocks, a broom, a stove, storage space, etc. completed our act.

I can see that the remark was true.

I was talking about this with my Mom the other day (if a few weeks ago can be considered "the other day") and asked her why it seems that teenagers don't seem to show imagination in their play time anymore. (Do Teens even HAVE playtime?) She told me, quite honestly, that people don't necessarily lose their imaginations, but as they grow they become more self conscious...and the said self-consciousness hinders the fulfillment of the said imagination.

Come now. Deep down you must  have an imagination . Do you ever imagine yourself as a beautiful princess, with sweeping black hair - meters past your feet, with bronze skin and gorgeous sparkling, black, eyes? I do. Do you ever imagine - when you're sitting alone - that you can see your anscestors walking through the forests, quietly, gently, not making a sound in their moccasined feet? I do. Do you ever pretend you're somewhere else, (when doing a loathsome job of some sort)  for some other purpose? I do.

Imagination makes life far more enjoyable. Think. If people didn't have any imaginations at all, school would be very, very boring. Everything would be taught just as it is - no historical fiction to make it more understandable. Everything would be done - just as it was, and most likely, nothing would ever change. (Can you imagine an airplane being built with NO imagination on the earth?)

One of my big issues with this issue....  is what I mentioned before. (Spending hours outdoors WHERE THE WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD CAN SEE AND HEAR ME playing Cowboys and Indians or WW1 Refugees or something with my siblings.)

Truly, when I think about it,  if I saw a bunch of kids playing together (with one so tall that she looks twenty-two) I would be impressed that the family really, truly, loved  one another. I would wonder what made this family so different from all the rest, so different that the children would actually ENJOY playing with each other.  It would be a testimony enhanser. (Pardon the pun)

SO PLEASE! Don't let me be the only one in the state of Wisconsin that tries to enhance her imagination, family life, testimony, etc. this week by throwing off the cloak of embarrasment and letting her/his true colors shine forth  - a glorious burst of Anna Pyatskowit's unselfish, devoted, Christ-like, imaginative, life.


Bailey said...

I think, too, as we grow older, our dreams become more real and less...dreamy. Playing house becomes the real life mopping up of accidents and the preparation of dinner. Or we're busy with a life we're preparing for or already living, so we don't need an escape through playtime.

My imagination is reserved to recreating words and phrases, reseeing the world through more joyful eyes and trying to touch heaven with the little understanding I have.

I forgot how to play. :( But I'm learning how to live. That to me is super fun. But go out there and play cowboys and Indians with the sibs all the same...good for you!

Anonymous said...

Well, my dear, as you may have guessed, I am strongly in favor of you using your God-given imagination. I use mine quite frequently in matters of great importance such as, "If I were in Sister "So & So's" situation what would I like for someone to do for me." I then imagine myself going through that person's problems and see if I can find a way to help. I also try to imagine that I am one of you children and try to think like you would think, so that I can better know how to handle situations when they arise. I believe we really, really need our imaginations. And to be honest, there are times when things get rough, that I imagine us living in a Wickiup in the middle of the reservation with no-one else around. (Daddy always reminds me of the scores of mosquitos we would have to endure and I must admit that I do not enjoy those pesky creatures.)
I'm very happy to see you striving to forget your reserve and make your sisters and brothers feel loved and appreciated by your willingness to play games that they wish to play, even if they are "embarrassing" and not games you would like to play. Learning to forget ones self and focusing solely on making another person happy is a very important life skill that you will find helpful as a teenager as well as an adult. Believe me, there are times, such as when I'm speeding down the hill on a sled that I feel I should act a bit more grown up, but I see the joy that it brings to you children when we do fun things together.
As you know, we work together; but we also play together. That's part of the joy of being a family. Caring enough for someone else to let your guard down and play a really childish game, so that you can make that special person feel loved. And when it's all said and done, nine times out of ten, you had a blast yourself! Keep up the good work!

Kara said...

LOVETH. I must agree with Mama. -I think that the older siblings should "step up" and help/play with the younger siblings.

Keep up the good writing, and don't let others discourage you, because that's not what they do! :)

*xtra big hugs*