Monday, October 1, 2018


LOL! Her sleepy eyes...

He's so full of surprises. A few weeks ago, Ethan was home on a laid-back type of Saturday. We had a full "to-do" list (as is typical) but there was nothing imminently pressing us to get out the door. 

He suggested taking me out for breakfast. 

 "I'd rather not." Said no busy mom, ever. 

We decided to try a "hole in the wall" type of place. I had heard really good things about it, so we stopped in. 

I vetoed the diet plans and tried a donut. And an Iced coffee. #worthit

Everything was really good, and super cheap! We took our To-Go cups and left very pleased, and ready to hit the ground running. 

I love sporadic. Life with Ethan is very sporadic. We never planned it that way, (*har-har*) but I think owning a business is what usually throws a bucket of "unexpected" over my "unsuspecting." Well, not just that, actually. Motherhood does that. And the Fire Department does that. And, ultimately, God does that a lot in our lives. 

 But reflecting on that, while the sun streaks down our porch and over the yard, I realize that I TOTALLY LOVE IT. Some days it means long hours and keeping supper hot a little longer than expected, other days - well....actually, I have a vlogger video coming up on Thursday that is a prime example of the "good" version of unexpected. 

There's so much happiness when you can let go, and just let everything happen the way it's supposed to. I heard someone quoting a friend the other day. "If you knew how much of your life was predestinated, it would probably scare you."

No such thing as coincidence, guys. 

Sorry for the rambles. These are just a few happy thoughts while I'm sitting here, babysitting the wifi while todays vlog video uploads to youtube. You can click right over HERE if you'd like to see it. (IF IT WILL EVER ACTUALLY UPLOAD....)


Anonymous said...

great post! and I loved your vlog it was so cute and sweet.
babysitting the wifi :P I know what that's like we have the WORST internet ever where I live thankfully you vlog loaded though:)

Anonymous said...

So very true. We spend such a great amount of time worrying over things God has under His complete control.
Love being able to see you all via the vlog! You are a natural!