Thursday, July 5, 2018

22 | This Little Life of Mine

I always get a little nostalgic when birthdays roll around. This one was no exception. Every year I spend the morning of July 3rd thanking God for bringing me through to another phase of "365", and smiling over the simple gifts that' are so easy to take for granted. 

I always refuse a tear or two that tries to come when I think about my family 1000 miles away and moving on, but fresh courage comes while I remember that God called me away to serve, not just to exist in a new place.

This year Ethan took our little family on a picnic to celebrate. Mount Mitchell boasts the highest peak of the Appalachains, and we drove up with our arms out the windows, singing and laughing over nothing important. We climbed to the top, then drove back down to an overlook to watch the fireworks. They seemed to  come up from everywhere in bright, silent explosions. 

The quiet of the mountains, and the hugeness of their towering peaks left a resonating smallness in me, remembering how scripture tells of them being totally covered in Noah's flood. Looking up at them, something quiet comes over my spirit while I realize that a God who could cover these mountains with water, is not too small to handle anything that ever comes into my life. 

This second's breath is a gift.
Today's strength is a gift.

Awestruck, I again see His gentle hand covering my life, and my little world in careful protection and love. 

What is he doing for you?


Anonymous said...

Such sweet pictures! So glad you had a nice birthday. I admit a few tears slipped out before I could stop them. But we must dwell on the good things and be busy about our Father’s business. Love and miss you. God has blessed us in soooo many amazing ways!

Unknown said...

Happy (belated) Birthday! Sounds like a lovely day.

Love the pics of those sweet baby dolls!


Rebecca Pyatskowit said...

AWW the girls sure do love their Daddy! Believe me I miss you a lot too

Anna said...

Thanks so much! It was a lot of fun😄

Anna said...

Sure do love you❤️

Anna said...

Can't wait too see you again, BECCA!!!😘