Friday, March 23, 2018

Free Life Organizer | Naptime Projects

I love this here thing. It wasn't until this point in my life that I actually needed some kind of schedule-y, keeping-track-y kind of book. My friend Bethany <SHOUT OUT TO YOU!!> posted about her life-scheduling project, and included a whole bunch of freebie links to cute pages (like the ones pictured above) to put in an organizer. 

I was too excited about my project to actually go find a planner to put all my cute pages I made one. It proved to be the best idea, since I'm super picky and it would have taken me three million years.

I was going for a scrappy-happy, hodgepodge-y-type look + flowers. (Duh. There's always flowers in my stuff...). It's amazing what scrapbook paper and a glue gun can do for ya. Now, every time I see my life all organized and categorized on the kitchen counter, it makes me happy. 


 Haven also found my project very interesting. She likes scrapbook paper all over the table and counters. She likes scissors. She likes glue. I have a feeling that when she gets a little older, I'll finally have a project buddy again. :) Hope wasn't too appreciative, and there was much bouncing and pausing and "there-there-ing" while I put the finishing touches on the book. Ethan asked what it was, and probably said something encouraging, but remained unimpressed. Poor man. Didn't even know what a wonderful thing his eyes were beholding. 

Here's the links to a few of my favorite pages, but you really should click on over to BETHANY'S BLOG and take a peak at all the ones she's listed. :) 

And, sorry. I just had a cup of coffee, so my writing style has turned into something a little perkier and more excited than I had originally planned. Hehe. :)

Happy Organizing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the front of your binder!!!! I like you and I have the same style:)
and yeah guys just don't get it:D

- Rose