Haven, today you have been into everything.
You threw a handful of dirt on my new white rug.
You found a pop tart box full of protein bars in the snack cupboard and have been throwing them around the kitchen floor for the last few minutes.
You snagged my scarf and having been happily traipsing around the house with it trailing between your feet.
You didn't want to take a nap, so you can't decide what you really want or need or feel.
You have "pruned" the bottom quarter of the leaves off of my plant.
And you are still the most beautiful, hilarious child I have ever met.
I can't get over your sweet, random hugs.
You melt my heart when you laugh for me.
"Mama" is my favorite word, now.
Even though you do think you're old enough to drink mommy's hot tea.
I love you sweet baby.
Such a busy season in life! Love the pictures. She's such a sweetie. Keep up the good work, Mama, "For in due season ye shall reap, if ye faint not."
Love you!
Ella stuffed a cheerio in my belly button today (her newest obsession) and also found a sharpie marker...on the floor... -_-
I love that verse.
Yeah, "busy" is a good word for it. I love it. Therefore I document it. And laugh.
This Mom thing is so entertaining 🙈😂
Ooooooh boy. Yeah, Haven just figured out how to 'click' ink pens open. It's kinda scary.
AND YAY FOR CHEERIOS!! They're Haven's favorite snack. (One of them, anyway..)
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