Naturally, I'm a sleeper-inner. Naturally, he's not a sleeper inner.
Naturally, I'm a lover of flowers and shabby chic. Naturally, he likes dirt, and the woods.
Naturally, I like to keep my fingernails clean. Naturally, he's a go-getter who doesn't have that option.
This is why we're perfect.
Anytime either of us step into the other person's natural habitat, adventures happen.
So every day is an adventure.
Including today.
And I can't wait to see what will happen inside it.
Ha. ha. You thought I had an exciting story to share, right? Sorry. It's part of my warped, Monday-morning sense of humor.
I was just dwelling on my husband's Super-Man tenacity while I work on drumming up extra energy and pep. Vim and Vigor. Umph. Motivation. ...
It's hard to get started when you're pregnant.
Here's a few handy hints to help get your day started, while I think about starting mine.
- Woman, get your hair fixed!
- Have protein for breakfast
- Put on something that makes you feel pretty
- Have something happy to drink (tea or coffee)
- Read your Bible
- Do the next thing
Points 1 and 3 - You will never feel like a competent part of society in your jammies and frizzy bed-head. Sorry, but no. Much as we sluggish, pregnant creatures hate it, getting prettied up for the day lends an air of energy and "Let's do this!"... have a long to-do list? Put GETTING DRESSED at the top of it, even if nobody will be seeing you today. Your husband will be grateful, I assure you.
Protein is self explanatory. My doctor informed me that I need to eat it frequently to keep my strength up. **Duuuuuuuuuh. Shoulda thought of that...** It's not a nasty, fatty, freakish thing. It's your friend, little mama, dig in!
I'm including a link to this fabulous recipe for ICED COFFEE, in case somebody out there handles caffeine well. (Well-er than me, particularly.) I'm stuck with tea for now, and very-very-nastily-watered-down-coffee-when-I-get-desperate-for-flavor.
Point 5: How are you supposed to give out sweetness and patience if you never take any in?! Sit down and read a chapter from your Bible. Turn on a sermon, or sing praise songs while you work. It'll keep you sweet and loving on crazy daisies.
Item 6 is probably the most pertinent suggestion where it comes to mommying and wifeying. Sometimes, stuff happens and you don't know where to start. Or, at least, I don't. That's when my mom's voice rings in my ears -"Just do the next thing." Pick up the emptied cabinet, or start supper, or call about the business errand.... whatever it is, start with the first thing, and breathe. You'll make it.
Well, duty calls.
What's on your Monday-List this week?
Love it! Still trying to get the energy to get the basement back under control after Kara's graduation party. Stuff just migrates down there and doesn't get put back in its home. Just do the next thing, which is read a bedtime story to Miss Becca. Love you!
love it Anna! you can follow my blog at
You have a blog?! YAY!!!!!!!!!!
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