But this year we has Gwabie.
HANDY HINT: Don't bother asking how we come up with such weird nicknames. They evolve slowly, and in the most complicated way possible.
So I set about to order a picture postcard from one of those online thingies. I laughed. No way was I spending that much an a picture that would only hang on somebody's 'fridge for a week.
So, with the help of hot glue, a few snips of ribbon, and my collection of scrapbook paper: this happened.
Nothing like a grumpy baby to spread the joy of the season - but this pic was too cute to pass up. ;)
It takes a long time to make one-a these, so I couldn't make them for my whole list of friends and family. I felt so mean. But at least my long lost family in Wisconsin will know that I still exist.
Oh, right. The front - that was a free printable. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! I've always wanted to be that artsy, but the handwriting gene totally skipped me and --
Oh, wow. Um...it's almost 1:00 and I need to go finish my cookies. Making them, that is.
A Jolly-Most Thursday To Thee and Thine;
Haha! So far my only nickname for Ella is "Lala" but it is funny how those things come about. I did my Christmas cards (which I am still sending out... *facepalm*) through Wal Mart for super cheap since I KNEW I would never get around to find time and make something. They actually turned out okay, and beat the price of all those other crazy sites!
Walmart definitely sounds like a waaaay easier option.
And "LaLa??" #heartmelt
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