I've made a quilt. (Sorry about the bad quality... the good pictures are stuck on Kara's camera.)
Miss Bailey, Bethany, Saralynn and Maria came to my fifteenth birthday party and first quilting bee... (Though my birthday isn't 'til July 3rd.)
... as did my sister Kara (who lives with me already) and my friend Krista
"Fifteen going on sixteen.."
Fun after the fun had ended. (Bailey still wasn't done with her square. *aherkm* and neither was I.)
What I call a "sad" quality picture that"kinda shows you what we did.
Sorry, but I wasn't able to add a picture of my faithful Mother and Mrs. Fuller. (I only had one picture of them *for some reason* and Mom was trying to explain something to the quilters when I snapped it.)
Ha, we look so industrious! Your square looks BEAUTIFUL I notice! At least you and Bailey finished yours!
Looks like 'sew' much fun! ;) The quilt is so pretty!
Actually, I did NOT finish mine. The tornado alarm didn't go off in time. (That was the running joke of the evening: "If the tornado sirens go off, you have to stay with us overnight...you don't want to drive in a tornado warning, do you?") Unfortunately the time to leave came all too soon and some lovely Pyatskowit lady must fix my square.
I say unfortunately sincerely, because that quilting bee was so much fun -- hilarious conversation, wonderful quliting-mates and interesting attempts at hand-stitching. Do let's have one again. You're not going to hog the quiltmaking to yourself, dear Anna, are you?
Hahaha... "hog" the quilt making? I don't think so. I'll probably do another one sometime this fall - so prepare to be invited. *As all of my quilters groan and nurse their needle pricks.*
Thank you all so much for coming (and thank you for your comment Erin). It was great to have you.
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