Sunday, December 4, 2016

We do Bob Evans | Five Months

I so love Sunday afternoons.

Here we are, parked outside the aforementioned restaurant on the aforementioned afternoon. My peppermint tea offsets the drizzle of gray, freezing, drippiness. The aforementioned weather makes a warm car awfully cozy. The aforementioned coziness is mine favorite flavor of winter.

I know. I'll stop now.

Daddy is completely asleep, and Haven is completely not. It's nap time. At least she should sleep through church...?

My little girl is growing up. In three days, she'll be  F I V E   M O N T H S?! No way the tiny baby that came into the world yesterday - it was yesterday, right? - is giggling and rolling over already. But she is. And she had her first "meal" of applesauce two days ago. I nearly bawled.

If we really did just bring her back from the hospital yesterday, I'll be a basket case when she gets married next Thursday. ;)

Ethan put it best; "When did she grow up?"


But, hey! Life has gotten a lot easier now that we've been doing this "mamma-baby" thing for the last five months. We've found our new normal, and getting the house cleaned/ supper made isn't half the agony it used to be. Bedtime happens at 9:00, midnight snack happens at midnight, and morning comes at 4 - 5 am. (To be quickly followed by night again for another couple hours.)

Haven has learned to sit in her little seat while Mama makes supper and sings to her.  She disagrees with more than fifteen minutes of such entertainment...but things are much better than before.

I remember wondering how I was ever going to make it until she learned to sleep through the night. For the first eight weeks, feedings and moonlit diaper changes seemed like all. I. did. But after two months. things changed. I could go more than two hours without feeding her, She woke up less frequently, and I had E N E R G Y!!

Gradually, laundry, food, house cleaning, and even the weekly errand running,  smoothed out and became doable again.

It took awhile, but  I'll never regret even one time that I groggily walked the floor with my needy little girl. Or fell asleep feeding her. Or had to leave the mess in the kitchen because she woke up. The sweet little smiles when she sees me in the morning are more than payment for those early, tired weeks.

And now she's five months, and loves to stretch her legs instead of snuggling on my shoulder.

Where, oh where has my newborn gone? Where, oh where could she be...

*note. We had only JUST unbuckled her.


Bethany d said...

She's so cute!!!! And IM already crying over how big my babe is...and it hasn't even been two weeks. I'm doomed. :)
My first week of motherhood was so exhausting. I just wanted THIRTY minutes alone that didn't have to be some prioritized mission to hop in the shower and clean the craziness in the house all before the baby woke up. Hah. :) okay. It's still like that...but yeah. ;)

Ashley said...

OH my, Haven is such a cutie! She has such a darling face.
Have a merry Christmas.
