Sunday, February 13, 2011


Dear friends: I'm not sure of the inestimable (except that someone probably could estimate this number somehow)  number of creative flops that I've made through the years, but there are many. This particular flop that you now behold, is the dramatic ending of my parents Anniversary cake.

Come now, let's cheer each other up. What's one of your worst cooking/sewing (basically anything that has to do with learning how to manage and care for a household) flops that you'd like to share? I'd appreciate it if you'd write up one of your worst/favorite kitchen flops (or more if you'd like) and send it (along with your name, blog address and a picture of you) to my email address  You can submit entrees until one week from today. (Today is Sunday the 13th of February.)

 I will post an entree on Wednesday each week until I run out. (Mind you, your entrees will be edited by my own specialized editress.)

I'd appreciate your participation. :) I'm sure everybody will be cheered with the  knowledge of "I'm not the only one that messes up" even if they already know it. :)

Ps. Please tell me if you're entering or not. :)


Chloe Hawes said...

I am entering! :D sounds Fun.

Bailey said...

But I've already shared all my flops. Guess I'll have to create one before next Sunday....That's not a definite "yes," though. ;o)

See you in a little bit! *HUGS*

Bailey said...

And by the way...what's wrong with the cake? It looks so painfully like my best attempts that I'm afraid to mention my worst.

Anna said...

Thanks Cloe-Jane! I'll be looking forward to your entry!

Bailey: Oh, there was a lot wrong with that cake. :P Somebody dumped hot-pepper juice into the icing (I got most of it out though, and I really didn't taste it in the finished effect.) The cake also ripped coming out of the pan (nevermind my careful preps...) and thus when I tried to ice the second layer of the cake, it just crumbled further. 'Twas sad. But we ate it anyway. :)

So, as you might have guessed, I only took a picture of the best-looking part of the cake. :)

Bethany d said...

I'll be e-mailing you shortly Anna. :)

Sarah Grace said...

I'll enter !

I'll send you an email sometime this week.... ( or weekend :)

Kara said...


Anonymous said...

(ACK! I forgot to sign out of Kara's account..woops.)


Anonymous said...

You don't have enough room for me to tell you about all the royal mistakes and flops I have made in my 47 years of cooking. But, I've sure enjoyed the trying....and sometimes the crying.... Mamaw-

Anna said...

;) Well Mammaw, your cooking tastes good now!