Friday, April 19, 2013

Not Mine {A Testimony}

Slowly the years are coming to a point - the deciding time when you choose which path to walk down in life.

"Who am I? What will I do with my life? What will my profession be? A social status?" and lastly, "What will they (everyone) think of me."

The normal questions. 

It was years ago that I gave this decision to God. I had plans, I had dreams, but I knew God's way was better. It wasn't my parent's prompting or because of a friend or group of people who influenced me one way or the other.  I gave up my own will, because I felt God had told me, "These aren't the plans I have for you."

It's been so much easier to trust Him with my life than to struggle through this deciding time by myself. I'm not infallible. I make mistakes, constantly - He doesn't. He has a plan, a goal, a life that He's invited me to be a part of. If I stick with His plans, walk in His grace, stay close to Him, do what He asks, (though it may be hard, even painful sometimes) I can be still and know it will all "work together for good."

This knowledge has been such a refuge for me. My life isn't mine - I gave it to Him. This decision isn't mine to make - I entrust it to Him, freely. It's His to use - in whatever job He designed me for, whether I become rich, poor, highly esteemed or thought of with scorn. It doesn't matter; because I'm not mine.

It's so wonderful to rest. 


Mom said...

It takes all the fear away when we can fully rest in knowing He will open the right door at the right time. So thankful you are following His leading

Anna said...


Elisabeth said...

Oh Anna, how beautiful.

Why would we want to direct our own path ever, but yet sometimes it can be so hard to lay aside our own desires. But when we do, God gives us something better and in the end we don't feel we have lost a thing. It's a faith and surrender walk.